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Our Vision

To change the way education is administered in school, making it available and accessible to every individual with an urge to learn and grow. We envision a school where students not only learn from books but grasp the essence of education and skills that help them foster the life they want. We firmly believe that knowledge is the ultimate strength that every individual must possess to succeed in life and with Vivek Techno Schools, we aim to pave the path toward quality education.

Our Mission

To create an environment that supports holistic development and allows an individual to explore the possibilities beyond books. Our mission is to create a centralized institution that brings all the opportunities to the deserving under a single roof, blending cultural values with technical and scientific advancements in education.

Our Inspiration

Swami Vivekananda advocated the concept of 'total development' of human beings which includes physical, mental and spiritual develpment. We must have life-shaping, man-making and character building assimilation of ideas. Our core values are inspired by Swami Vivekananda's philosophy. Our institutions are founded on his thoughts and ideas. Our goal is to develop the physical, mental, emotional, secular and spiritual faculties of our students with a view to make them responsible citizens, wise house holders, and happy human beings

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